Devree all piratey for her "Pirate Day" at school. Noble was a pAARGHty Pooper!

Monday for family home evening we went to Dane's first basketball game ever. It was the most hilarious game I have ever watched and we laughed and laughed and laughed our heads off. Those little boys and girls learning how to play was just the cutest!
Tuesday was Devree's digestive test at the hospital where they fed her these "radioactive" scrambled eggs. She asked for ketchup to choke them down. Then for 2 hours she laid on a skinny board and had an MRI machine from her nose to her knees watching her digest. I read her "The Hunger Games" which was ironic because we were reading the chapters all about the capitol and all of the fancy food they ate. I was getting hungry. We won't know the results of that test till Wednesday this week when we will see her gastroentoligist.
Many people have asked about Devree's hotspot on her right hip. The doctor's here want to take a CT scan and do a biopsy. I contacted St. Jude's and her doctor said if she is having pain to go ahead and do it here. Devree feels some pain in her right hip but she feels like it is a cut on the outer side of her skin. The doctors have still not scheduled anything. Devree and I go to St. Jude's in 3 weeks. I will let you know when we find out anything. It could be cancer in her hip bone, but I am not going to go there. It is in the Lord's hands and there isn't one thing I can do about it except pray and have faith.
Thursday was a sad day. The doctors told Todd's Dad that he had days to weeks left to live. Dad Hamblin got it into his head that he had 2 weeks to live. I immediately found a flight for Todd so he could fly out the next morning. Todd talked to his boss and his boss understood because he recently lost his Dad. We made the return flight for a week from Monday. At first it was like a celebration and a reunion because Todd is the oldest of 7 children. All were there except Paula. Todd and Paula are the only ones who live out west. Everyone else lives within less than an hour of each other. Dad Hamblin was energized to have everyone hang out with him and asked to do one of the things on his bucket list. You know things you want to do before you die. He wanted to see the movie "Avatar" and so Amanda Hamblin, who works in a theater made the arrangements. On Saturday morning, Dad's recliner was taken to the theater so he could watch from the comfort of almost home. He enjoyed it.
Today Sunday, Paula arrived. Dad has taken a turn for the worst. He is running a 101 temperature and he had to be picked up to be put back into bed after a bathroom break. Dad's sister Donna and her husband Eldon and their youngest daughter Mainette all flew out there to be with Dad. Theo Dewayne Hamblin, you will me missed. You have touched many lives and many people love you. I am so glad we came at Thanksgiving to see you and to be with you.