I didn't take pictures but it was kind of against the rules to take pictures anyway. We have had a busy 2 weeks and we just haven't blogged.
Brenda Griffin and her Mom Ethel, came to town for the Candy Dance in Genoa. It is a big arts and crafts and everything else kind of fair. Brenda's sister Dari lives in Carson City and works out at Hodges where we know 2 other members that work there. It is a place where they experiment on cars and other things way out by Ft. Churchill. Anyway Brenda and Ethel came to the temple with me. We ate lunch at this French bistro in downtown Reno. I wanted to go there because Devree and I had been asked to speak at a luncheon for St. Jude's donators that happen to gift their ENTIRE estate. We had a very nice lunch and I enjoyed talking with Brenda and Ethel very much. They are 2 sweet and wonderful friends. Brenda always make sure that Devree and I have a car when we visit Memphis. Ethel has let us borrow her car many times.
I did go to the Candy Dance on the last Saturday of September to try to meet up with Brenda but never saw them. I got to the General Relief Society broadcast in time at the stake center and enjoyed it very much. I love to hear guidance from the General Authorities and Sister Beck does not mince words.
On Wednesday was the day of the luncheon for Devree and I. We were each asked to speak about 15 minutes each. It was more of a question and answer kind of thing. I spoke first and told the donors of our story to St. Jude's . Then Devree got up and they ate her up. They asked questions and questons and she thrilled them with her sense of humor, intelligence and even shocked them when she showed them her lack of hair. She is amazing.
We absolutely loved General Conference. We stayed home and watched all 4 sessions and had Beth over to watch also. There were so many wonderful talks that were given to me. I feel that possibly 1 of the main themes is the gift of the Holy Ghost and how to have the spirit and how to have guidance in our lives. Todd wanted to have a Sunday all day feast and so we made dutch oven BBQ chicken, fruit salad, cheese ball, chili sauce cheese ball, vegetable platter, cookies, cupcakes, chips and dip etc. It was like a Thanksgiving feast and a spiritual feast all on the same day!
We ended up going to some friends, the Jones' and having scones in the evening. It was fun to meet up with friends there and eat and visit. At home, Devree ran down the hall. She was so excited she said "I can run! I can RUN!" She demonstrated many times. Then she got on Facebook and told the world "I can run but I look like a retard when I do it." It is just another wonderful miracle of her recovery. She also does not take any medication now. She is off of her medicine to help her eliminate. We just incorporate alot of fiber and she has been fine for over 3 weeks! We still have an appointment with the Gastrointologist in November to tell him how she has been doing.
We believe in miracles and we still are seeing them just about everyday. I hope you see the miracles in your life.