Katy and Heidi came to the Relief Society service auction for the Relief Society Birthday event.

Lots of delicious food.

Kolten gave us a beautiful piano concert and he remembers all of his music from before his mission. I was totally impressed that he can remember so many "Liberace" type songs! Kolten you are incredible!

Coy came with Troy and Ryland. They enjoyed going to church with us too.

Listening to Kolten's wonderful piano concert.

Troy and Ryland are Coy's cute girls.

Dane had a part at the Blue and Gold Banquet. Our very LAST Blue and Gold Banquet after raising 3 boys.

At the blue and gold Cub Scout Banquet with Stephen, Shay and Zach.

Daniel, my only Bear scout who finally got all of his silver and gold arrow points while he was a Wolf.

Those at our table at the Relief Society Service auction. Devree was able to big and win on quite a few things.

Shay showing his manly self in his track clothes. He is trying to be a pole vaulter but he gets to run the mile and the two mile until he gets better.

Devree with her long red wig.

We had a surprise Birthday Party for our friend and neighbor Leslie. Mallory is her youngest child and she was eyeing those big frosting flowers.

Some of those that helped surprise Leslie.
Life has been so hectic lately that I haven't blogged for a month. I even took a week to get Noble's last letter posted on his blog. I have been substituting just about every day and I have been feeling very blessed. We got Devree's BIG bill for her surgery back in November. It is alot more than we expected. The insurance has paid their part and our part is more than we anticipated. But we are trying to do our part and we will leave the rest up to the Lord.