Sunday, September 2, 2012

Aunt Paula's Wedding

A single left-click will show a large version of the picture.
The Wedding Cake.  Purple was the color.
Paula and Ben being married by one of Ben's missionary companion who now is a bishop.
Skyla and Anna ready to go.
Linda covered her face next to Locey on the swing.
If you look closely, Locey has purple rubber bands to match his purple tie.
Locey with his new step brothers Jeffrey and Reese.
Cousin Ted with Todd, John and Kolten chewing the fat before the wedding.
All the girls in the wedding.  The twins in front who got baptized in the morning, Maya and Bella.  Skyla, Anna, Paula, Jessica and Teara in the back row.
The happy couple
Anna and Paula
Jessica and Teara
Sue helped alot with the wedding
Todd, Karyn, Mom Hamblin, Mary and John.  The Hamblin side.
Paula and Mom.  Ben flew Mom out with his air miles.

September 1, 2012

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