Sunday, May 30, 2010

Devree's Concert, Pack Meeting, and Seminary Graduation

Devree at her Advanced Choir final performance. They sang two "Glee" songs and Devree had a small solo. We are awfully proud of her.
Dane was so excited to get one gold and 2 silver arrow points at Cub Scouts by Sister Neumeister.
This week has been another busy, busy week. Monday was a baseball practice for Dane. Tuesday was a temple trip for Baptisms and fundraiser dinner at a local restaurant for Dane's school plus Devree's concert. Wednesday was the pack meeting for Dane. Thursday another game for Dane, award night for Noble where he received 9 more awards plus a book group for Devree and I. Friday I took "dirt dessert" with gummy worms for Dane's school to celebrate his birthday because his birthday is in August when there is no school. Dane also received a student of the month and Devree received "Sophmore Girl of the year" award. Between all of our kids, they received 19 awards. Yesterday we helped a lady in our ward move. Todd and Noble helped her move while we watched her two darling boys. Tonight was Seminary Graduation for Noble and he has a certificate with President Monson's signature on it. That is pretty special.
This week is finals, fun and Noble's graduation. I will help with "Fun in the Sun" at Dane's school on Wednesday and Thursday is the big day for Noble. Saturday will be his party with his other 5 friends.

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