Tuesday, December 1, 2009

2nd day of check-ups

Due to technical difficulties I have posted 2 days blog today. So check out the previous blog so you can see what is going on.

Thank you again Summer for decorating my blog and I will ask you to put Devree and I's favorite Christmas songs on. Congratulations Summer on your coming arrival. That is pretty exciting, but I think you will have your hands full because you will have a pretty close bunch!

Well we started off the day badly! First of all we had to be at the hospital at 6:30 and I had been awake since 4am. I was in a rush to get Devree ready because she didn't want to wake up. I put on her braces and shoes because she has her left arm wrapped up straight for the IV they leave in for all of her procedures. Then we couldn't find her glasses anywhere! Well when she got dressed for the second time after her MRI, there they were crushed in the bottom of her shoe! She didn't feel them because of her thick plastic brace and I didn't know they were in there.

We did have some wonderful news. Both her MRI's are clean and beautiful and her counts are good and her thyroid is good and her growth hormones are normal but her estrogen is low. All of these things are affected by radiation and have to be checked every time we come. They do have medication that can treat all of these things.

The Gruwell's ran into us and Lindsay is looking really wonderful. Her short hair is growing in wonderful. She was a bone marrow reciepient and her counts are still 0 and she has to be away from people still but seems happy to be on the mend.

We have been blessed with a great check-up. Devree is a little disappointed that the Physical Therapist here said she wasn't ready for the four-footed cane but Lindsay, the nurse, said Dr. Armstrong just signed the order to approve the cane from the physical therapist back in Dayton which put a smile on Devree's face!

President Eyring -" ...at Christmastime it is the feeling of giving with a generous heart. This can come as we feel the needs of others more than our own and when we sense how generous God has been to us."


soggycheerios said...

Ahhhh(sigh of relief) I'm so greatful that everything looks so good. What a relief, now get home so we can play.

Krista said...

So glad to hear that things are checking out. YAY!

walkinourshoes said...

Dear Aunt Shana and Devree,

We are so happy that your check up is good and health. So sorry about your glasses.
I am so glad that I was not on your flight. Circling for 5 minutes produces vomit, for me. Just ask poor Craig.
We love you.

Love, Craig, Koe and Kylee

Summer said...

Yep we know that it is going to be a new adventure this summer for our family. We have 2 1/2 year between Kayleb and Thayne, 3 3/4 year space between Thayne and Tripp and now it will be 20 month space between Tripp and the baby.
It was a big shocker!!!! We thought that we would be looking at a few years and fertility treatments again. I guess not. We are super EXCITED though!!!