Saturday, February 6, 2010

A Looooong Week!

Well Todd flew back to MO last Friday and he flies home this Monday. I have had a challenging time to be the Dad, the Mom and all of the in between. This week was so filled with events I couldn't hardly catch my breath! It was one of those weeks where I had to be in two places just about every night.

I love my kids! On Monday I hurried over to Olsons' to have Ron help me scan some photos to send to Amanda (my sister-in-law) for a slide show of Dad Hamblin's life. While I was gone the kids made the rest of the Valentine Cookies, decorated and made homemade valentines for the 5 missionaries that we know. Noble, Devree, Shay and Dane did it ALL! I was so happy. I was able to put the packages together and send them off.

Tuesday was New Beginnings for Devree. It was a wonderful dinner and slide presentation of the girls and their Mom's. The YW presidency presented the program and had the Mom's and daughter's commit to one project. Devree is finishing her "Virtue" project and then she will receive her medallion. I am so very proud of her and I am glad she got an early start because it would have been too difficult for her to finish with all of her sickness. Dane also had a basketball game. Thank you Obarr's for taking Dane. I had to make sure Todd's Scout breakfast stuff was given to the right person, which got handed back to me 4 times. The Scout office wants $160. per scout. Well that isn't going to happen this year for our family of 3 scouts.

Wednesday was Devree's appointment with the Gastro guy. We found out that Devree is down to 97lbs and that her stomach is not emptying well. The doctor prescribed a 1/2 pill of an antibiotic to basically give her diarhea so she can eliminate and Megaze to stimulate her appetite. She seems to be eliminating much better and eating better. Dane had cub scouts while Devree and I were at the appointment. Thank you EVANS for taking Dane and Obarrs for bringing Dane home. Noble's Northern Nevada Honor Band in Fallon was Wednesday night.I had forgotten my camara but it was so wonderful. I really like the variety of music they picked this year with some definitely difficult peices. I was proud of Noble and I thoroughly enjoyed the music. It was also another basketball game for Dane. THANK YOU OBARR'S AGAIN for taking Dane.

Thursday night was the self defense class at the church. It was very informative and I loved how Brother Hughes made it fun and informative. I was laughing at some of the women when they punched. It was sissy like with no power behind the punch while others were way into it. I really appreciated how Travis told us to "Be Smart" and listen to the voice, to make sure you don't go into places you shouldn't.

Friday was getting Shay off to snowboarding with 3 other kids at 6:30am and then to see Emma win 2nd place in the County Spelling Bee. It was very exciting. I was so happy for Emma. Then I had a marvelous lunch/talk with my good buddy Cyndi. That night was when I needed to be 2 people again because of a missionary discussion for Shay to sit in on and a meeting with 5 other families to discuss our Senior's graduation party coming up in June.

Saturday first thing was to get to the Scout breakfast. I took Dane on a Mom/Dane date. Then to Hannah's baptism. We had to go pick up the huge camp stove for Todd for the scouts. It weighs 90 lbs! Dane got his "blizzard" at DQ. He and I had a discussion about girls and how they are silly and not logical except his buddy Kirsche who is the smartest girl he knows. Now Devree and I will go see Katrina in "The Wiz". We didn' get to see the Wiz. We brought the wrong car and it was snowing heavilly so our car wouldn't go up those steep streets of VC.

Tomorrow is my Sunday lesson. So you can see what week it has been! But isn't life wonderful? Devree's meds have already started helping her. She isn't slowing down because she is trying out for the new play, singing the National anthem at the basketball game and she was almost up to singing a solo at a competition today! Whew!!! Have a great week.


Darcy said...

Wow, what a busy week!!!

walkinourshoes said...

that makes me tired just reading it. keep up the good work love ya,


karlos said...

I can see you haven't gone boring in our absence:) Nice to follow your goings-on. Hope for the best for Todd's father and glad Devree is doing so well. Lots of Mexican love,
Karl :)