Devree Is So Loved!!!
Our game plan for today is to get Devree out of PICU. The intensive care unit is pretty noisy with people coming and going. There are also quite a few clicks and beeps that happen repeatedly.
Devree told us that she was sleepy, but it was too noisy to get any rest. However, we are creative people and discovered that you can go to sleep just fine in PICU if you have your IPOD in your ears.
The other big thing ahead of us is telling Devree the news. She had a lot of sleepy and groggy feelings leftover from the anesthesia. It just made sense to hold off until today. Devree’s goals for yesterday were to get the tubes and equipment off of her so that she could sleep properly. She did a great job. She was swallowing and eating before the doctors expected.
Part of our little Devree’s objective was to get those dogone leg balloons off. They fill with air every so often to massage her legs. This keeps blood clots from forming. One of the side effects is that they are sticky against your skin, and they inflate and deflate just as you are falling asleep. Little Miss Devree definitely has an opinion about them. She got them off by showing the nurse that she could move her legs all by herself (You show them Devree!!!).
Goal number two for today is to actually talk to Devree about what is going on. We don’t know exactly how she will feel, but when Shana and I think how it was for us, we just pray that we can know the right things to say. She is a tough cookie though. Keep praying for her.
That was Todd. He tends to get wordy and a little business like. We are doing quite well. Oh Happy Day that Devree spoke and can move and is amazing the doctors. She wants to do everything right now and is anxious as she says "I don't like being sick!" I feel better because now all of those Residents, and other stuff can see that Devree is not just a piece of meat. She is a wonderful girl who has her opinions and makes them known. It has been a wonderful staff but there were times when Todd didn't see that Devree was being treated not appropriately. As a mother I kept my tongue (AMAZING SINCE I AM SHANA AND I DON"T HOLD MY TONGUE VERY WELL!)and just kept talking to Devree and holding her hand, or rubbing her legs, kissing her forehead and let the staff know how amazing Devree is. I told them how she plays the flute and piano, and reads and buys her own books, and keeps writing her books. Of course she loves "Twilight" and loves the character Alice and that caught a lot of peoples attention because they have read Twilight too.
I think that Devree will handle the news well. Probably much better than her parents that were once again devastated. I feel like Miss Piggy on "Muppets in Space". Miss Piggy is trying to do her famous Karate chop and this other guy is beating her up. She first starts out confidently saying "Is that all you got?" Then she gets beat up some more. And she less confidently says "Is that all you got?" Then she gets beat up some more and slurringly asks "Iiiisssss thaaaaaa allll yoouuu gooooooooot?" We are waiting for the final words of her cancer and treatment plan. But we are confident that Devree will pull through.
Love, Shana
The Hamblin’s
I stepped out of the room so Devree could get up and have a bathroom break. While I was gone, Devers asked Shana what the doctors said about her tumor. Shana said that her response was, “So, that means I have to stay here longer?" (in the hospital not PICU). Her mom said, “Probably so”, and Devree said, “Ok”.
Getting up is a really exhausting thing for her to do right now. So Devree is sleeping. We welcome sleep for her. The rest helps her to recover, and is the most pleasant way to spend your time in PICU.
So this is Shana. I had to have a few tears reading all of your messages. Wow we feel loved and prayed over and cared about. No she wasn't on the Rexburg temple roll yet. I feel that all of your prayers have helped sustain Todd and I.
As Devree asked about her tumor, I told her softly and matter-of-factly that the doctors weren't able to get it all because it was wrapped around some vital nerves she needs. There was some more little tumors that they could see under the microscope but were unable to get them because they were far away from the surgery site. The tumor is cancerous. She digests this and she asks "Does this mean I have to stay in the hospital longer?" I told her "Probably". She says "Well maybe I will get that pixie haircut after all". And then she was feeling some pain in her surgery spot. She didn't have any pain medication all night. So I told her how important it was to ask for pain medication before it gets too bad because she needs to rest so her body can recover. She was so worried about talking to us and not listening to her ipod because she told us "That is just RUDE". I told her to go ahead and sleep because that is how her body and brain will recover. She is having a more restful day. We are still waiting for a bed to open up to move her upstairs.
Love, Shana
1/14/2009 3:30 PM
We are up in the regular ward. Devree is at the end of a hall and shares her room with one little baby about 4 months old that has breathing problems. Devree has been sleeping and sleeping because her body is so wore out. She sleeps on her good ear so she doesn’t hear that much. One of the nurses said that anesthetized sleep is not that restful. So Devree is quite tired. She has been able to sleep a whole lot better up here on the third floor compared to the PICU.
Todd and I went for the Wednesday lunch concert held over in the Stanford Hospital. There was an accordion player that also sang with 2 violinists and one bass violin player that picked it and also played it with a bow. I told Todd that was the most romantic lunch he ever took me to. I felt like I was at a European café with old time lovely music.
The oncologist just came in to speak with us. They still don’t have news. But we talked about different scenarios. It sounds like the oncologist’s want to do a spinal tap and then they said 2-4 weeks to start treatment to let Devree heal a little better. So it sounds like radiation will probably be a big part of therapy. Which means we will come here as an outpatient everyday for 6 weeks straight. They might do chemo-therapy at the same time or they might start it after. They will put a place like a station next to her heart to take blood and to give her the chemotherapy. But at this time we don’t know.
Love, Shana
1/14/2009 3:49 PM
I never knew you could be so happy watching someone sleep.
Devree has mentioned several times that her right side of her face tingles. Our neurosurgeon’s assistant came in to visit, and we shared that information with her. Her face lit up in response. We had to ask, “So it’s a good thing then?” She said, “Yes. This is indication that Devree’s nerves are beginning to heal in her face.”
Now we just need to get past this cancer thing.
1/14/2009 4:35 PM
Dr. Edwards just came by for a visit. The report that the right side of Devree’s face was tingling is of interest to him. He told us that it was a good sign, and then took off the bandage over the stitches.
We were told that Devree could take a shower and wash her hair tomorrow. If the recovery keeps going this well, we could be released to go home on Friday. There will be at least two weeks of recovery time before we can take any steps toward treating the cancer.
I don't blame Devree for wanting those ballons off. I had to have them on when I had my etopic pregnancy, four years ago. They are annoying. Good for you Dev's, for showing them that you can do it. You all are in our thoughts and prayers, continually. We love you all, so very much. Stay strong!
Love, Craig, Koe and Kylee
You Go Devree!! Keep your strong spirit and you will get thru this!!
We love you bunches and bunches!
The Rice-Rangel Clan
We love you all so much!!! You are constantly in our thoughts and prayers. Devree has such a strong and vibrant spirit and faith we know she can pull through this! Liz wants Devree to know that she loves her and she knows she is strong!!Love you forever!
Thanks for taking the time to keep us informed. I feel you guys are serving all of us who love Devree. Thank you. It's good to hear of her fighting spirit. That's the Devree we all love!
Devree and your family are in my thoughts, waking and sleeping. I've never known a 14 year old who has such an influence on so many people. What a blessing for us all to exercise and increase our faith and prayers, all due to a teenager! She's one powerful girl!!! God be with you today as you move her foward in her journey. Love you!!
Last night at dinner we had to compare what everyone had read last on the blog. It's been such a comfort to us to know what's been going on. Thank you! The Browns are all pulling for here in Burley and you're in our prayers. Oh, and Tricia had us call in Devree's name to the Rexburg temple (Twin Falls is closed right now). Just wondering if that was one that you had counted already :). We love you!
I can tell you we are all playing that waiting your ward family we have the same desires as you have in your hearts for your sweet girl. She's definitely a fighter and we love her. I am so overwhelmed with quiet acts of charity in behalf of your family. I feel so blessed to be of service.
Thank you for keeping all of us informed. We love you guys so much. Our prayers will be with you as you help Devree through this difficult time. You have taught her well and her testimony of our Savior, Jesus Christ, will help her and your family at this time.
I sure is a good thing that Devree is such a strong little girl. I am personally such a booby baby that I would probably make it way harder on myself and everyone around. What a brave little soul. We love you,
The Canadian Hatch's
I am so glad you have this blog to keep us informed...that was pure, inspirational genius! I check it and recheck it all the time. I really loved it when Devs posted her own individual blog pre-surgery. I look forward to having her do that again (when she feels up to it of course!)
What would she enjoy from us? Funny stories of every day happenings? Pictures? I don't want to overwhelm her of course, but I think it would be cool for her to have something to laugh at and enjoy when she feels up to it. I'm remembering all those fun lip syncing videos we made for missionaries with Shana as the director. Like "Might as well face it you're addicted to spuds" from that Robert Palmer song "Addicted to Love" that we did when Breck was on his mission. Remember that one, Shana? FUNNY!!! I thought I might suggest something to my kids. Is it inappropriate to make tumor jokes? (Is there such a thing as a tasteful tumor joke in this situation?)
I can't imagine the anxiety you must feel, and humor might help lighten the heaviness a little, that's all. I am doing my best to send my positive, happy energy to you guys! I have a constant prayer in my heart going on for you as well. Love you!
p.s. Shana, you are a wonderful mother, and it sounds as though you are doing everything right; making sure everyone gets to really KNOW that precious daughter of yours, and making it more of a personal experience for the staff there to be able to feel what a beautiful person Devree is.....keeping a feeling of love surrounding you, keeping the "other news" as casual as possible, helping Devree to be as comfortable as possible.....I can't imagine all that you and Todd must be feeling, but I can tell you are doing an amazing job as parents in this situation.
lol that sounds like Devree. she's such a fighter, and can find a little humor in everything. i love you Devs, and you inspire me everyday!!!!! <3
Ok, so I am finding myself having a "Truman Show" moment. I'm not sure if any of you have ever seen that movie. I find myself drawn to your blog all day long. It is becoming my current addiction. Anyway, I am so glad that you have this blog. It makes it so much easier to answer questions when people ask.
I know that you already know that we are thinking about you and praying for you but I just wanted to tell you again how much we love and adore all of you.
Sometimes I look back over all the things that happened when our Noah was sick and it wasn't until it was all over that I was able to see what miracles had taken place. I still draw strength and comfort from the very first blessing he recieved after he was born. It has been over 8 years but the promises of that blessing are still unfolding. Amazing the way Heavenly Father works.
Todd and Shana, you are both such amazing parents. Devree is blessed to have you. If I were a sick little girl, I would want a mommy like Shana. You all amaze me. Keep your spirits up. We all love you very much.
Thank you for keeping us updated on how Devree is doing. I feel like a blog stalker:) I check to see her progress at least 3 times a day. What a great journal as well. Please make sure your kids know we are here to help in any way.
Do better Devs!
AS Mitchell Davis would say Your Awesome/Get Well/Happy Graduation/Your Fired!
Thanks for posting the blogs, i know i want to know whats going on, and obviosly lots of others too.
Love Leah!
Hi Hamblins!
Like the others have stated I'm always checking this blog too. My kids look forward to new pictures of Devree. So many people love and care for you guys. Think of all those prayers and blessings coming your way. Get better Devree! Your strong spirit and optismistic attitude will take you far. Stay positive and stay close to your Heavenly Father and he will give you strength to endure this difficult trial.
Shana-Thanks for the phone call. I laughed when I got your message. You are so right. Thanks for your support even during this difficult time.
Love and Prayers,
so then that means she'll have to stay there in that hospital for quite a few more weeks.........*sighs* poor Devree. hey, i know devree needs her sleep and this is a stessful time, but if everything's going okau up there, would it be alright with you (shana and todd) if i were to come down and visit Devree next week? my mom already told my whenever we can come, she'll drive me and let me miss a few days of school. i would really like to see Devree, and i'm pretty sure by next week Devree would like to see another familiar face instead of more doctors. PLEASE let me know, okay?
~ Teri
holly cow!!!!!!!!! you've got a lot of crap Devree!!!! lol
Hey Devs. I bet you are loving all the attention. Leah and I miss you. Who else are we going to go out in public with the Spaz cape with.
Devree, we love you s-o-o-o-o-o much! We are so glad that we got to spend time together over Christmas. You are awesome!! Our thoughts and prayers are with you every day. My family (Arnold Family) is fasting and praying for you and have added your name to the temples in the areas where they live (Seattle, Idaho Falls, Jordan River, Mt. Timpanogas, & Memphis). Big hugs and kisses to you and to all of your family! We Love You, The Memphis Rices
Shanna, Todd, and Devree,
I've had multiple (and I mean multiple) people from the high school and intermediate school ask about doing a fund raiser for the young lady that has touched so many lives. So with your permission (or without if I have to) we would like to begin. You are all so love and Devree is truly an inspiration to many. If you really are against it, contact me at and let me know. Otherwise, I have people chomping at the bit. We love you. Thanks,
Dear Hamblins,
I can't help but think of Pollyanna when I hear of Devree's responses. Like others, we have checked periodically to get updated on the news. Technology has not only given Devree the best possible help, but it has given those who love and support your family a way to be part of the ongoing activities. Thanks for blogging!
Devree - You are at the top of everybody's conversations, thoughts and prayers. I am not surprised by the requests that Bro. Workman has had about a fundraiser for you and your family. It's a wonderful way for everyone around to show their love and support.
Todd & Shana - Make sure you get sleep and eat well so you will be able to keep healthy. Just remember we are right around the corner and can do whatever you need to have done, even walk the dog!
Our prayers are joining with untold other prayers being offered in your behalf, and I know Heavenly Father is watching over all of you.
Love, Pam & Gary
Devree sweet girl we are so sorry this is happening to you, as someone who has been sick alot and in hospitals way too much I have the greatest of sympathy for you, thank goodness for ipods, music, good books to read and moms who can hold our hands through it all, Bailey sends you hugs and love and says you look cute in your Jonas bro hat Brody is full of questions and wants to know why you got dots on your head! You will be in our prayers and thoughts every day and we hope they continue to take good care of you there. All our love Ballard, Laurie, Bailey and Brody!
Everytime I read your blog, a smile comes across my face because I love Devree's spirit. From my understanding, she has high hopes and a great attitude. She is an example to me and will ALWAYS remember her whenever I'm going through a rough time.
I'm glad to hear that you might get to come home this week. I'm so glad that Devree is making good progress and I know she, as well as your family, will be able to fight through this.
With all our love,
The Moore Family
Hurray for the tingles!
I have a friend that signed up for a paypal account (because of the no fees policy) as a way for friends and family to donate money to his dad's cancer recovery and posted a link on his blog. I don't know much more than that, but it would be one way for friends near and far to lend a hand. For what its worth... :)
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