Devree ended up sleeping most of the day. She's awake and feeling much better now.
The goal for today is walking. Devree is at a place where she has a lot of people that are extremely happy when she does very ordinary things. She decided that she wanted to get up to go for a bathroom break. That impressed everyone. We were told that most kids wait until 3 or 4 days after surgery. Devree did it about 4 hours after waking up. Wow!!!
A very ordinary thing… but difficult when you feel like you have just been run over by a truck. Devree said, “My leg feels heavy” (right leg). She was a head of the game so it wasn’t until she was out of PICU and into her regular hospital room that she got coaching and information about walking.
Yesterday around 4:00 PM a Physical Therapist came by. He had Devree get out of bed and go for a walk. A loop around the nurse’s station and back. She said, “I feel a little dizzy”. The “PT” man said that was normal. He said that she would feel dizzy, and sometimes nauseated.
Shana just reminded me that Devree’s other goal for today is to take a shower and wash her hair. Wow again!!! Hygiene and looking pretty are one of the things we men really appreciate about women, I just didn’t know it was so innate.
1/15/2009 8:20 AM
Some of you have asked how our boys are doing at home. In reply, I have to share a funny conversation that I heard Shana having with Connie O’Barr.
Shana said, “Connie will you go by and check on my boys? Don’t be afraid to be a mom. Look and see if they have dirt under their fingernails.” That’s when I started laughing. “Please see if they are taking showers and…” So, thank you very much for helping Shana to keep our boys from looking like orphans.
Okay boys! Mom is watching, always watching. She has her ways.
1/15/2009 8:37 AM
A small setback happened this morning. Devree was making her bathroom trip. However, on the way back she fainted and Mom & Dad had to come to the rescue. Shana held her up and called me in, and I could hold her but not maneuver her all by myself. Mom got the nurse and then the nurse and I worked as a team to get her back into bed. Devree couldn’t remember passing out, but she could remember us carrying her back to bed.
The doctors were on their morning rounds and came in about that same time. Dr. Edwards was able to talk to Devree about what happened. He said that what happened was normal. I thought, “It is?” Anyhow, we were told that it was normal for that to happen in the morning. To prevent it in the future, we need to have Devree sit at the side of her bed and breath deeply before she stands up.
On the positive side, I noticed that Devree did not walk with a shuffle like she did with the Physical Therapist. Everyday things are getting better.
1/15/2009 1:04 PM
Well the oncologists just came in and told us what kind of tumor it is. For all of you that want to look it up it is called medulloblastoma or primitive neuroectodermal tumor or PNET. So this is a type of cancer that is most common and they know the most how to treat it. The tumor was unusual in its placement because it was behind the ear and not at the base of the brain. That is really a good thing because her fluid didn’t cause her to be hydrosyphalic which means the brain swells. But because they found two little dots of cancer in two other areas of her brain it means that the cancer has spread.
So surgery was the first step and this cancer responds well with chemotherapy. She is going to be scheduled for outpatient spinal tap and hopefully a port to do chemotherapy about the 23rd of January. From her first surgery date they want to take 4-6 weeks to start her intensive radiation. This will last 6-7 weeks EVERDAY! She will also start chemotherapy for 6-9 months where she will have to be admitted to the hospital for 2-3 days at a time. We are hoping to get into the Ronald McDonald house.
So now are you ready for the “Is thaaaaaaa all you goooooooot” part? There is 50% chance of living for this cancer. So I guess you could say that we are realllllllly trying to look at this “THE GLASS IS HALF FULL!”
They have a school in the hospital for patients and teachers can send assignments through them. We have a wonderful social worker that found safety pins so we can put up all of Devree’s Mormon ads and her Jonas Brothers posters.
Just a funny thing and hopefully Todd will send a picture. Devree ordered “Popeye potatoes” for lunch. We looked and there is nothing but “EEEEEEWWWWW” as the right word. Watery mashed potatoes with a glob of pureed spinach in the middle.
Love, Shana
Todd and Shana,
I just wanted to add our love and support to all the rest. We have been praying as a family and following your blog. Scott and I have plans to go to the temple tomorrow and we will include her name (and yours) on the roll here in St. George. As it happens, my best friend here had surgery for a brain tumor right before Christmas. Her recovery has been remarkable as well, and we know it is because of the prayers and faith of the members of our ward. With all the family and friends on her side, Devree is in good hands. And what a relief she handled the news so well! She's awesome!
I don't know if you have ever seen this clip of Nick Vujicic, but it is fun and inspiring, so I hope you check it out. I'm kinda technologically challenged, so if the link doesn't work then nevermind. :o) Oh, I hope you have sound on your laptop, otherwise it just won't be the same. And three cheers for Devers to be up and doing ordinary things! She could have fun with this. You know, when someone comes in to check on her she could say, "Look at what I can do!" and pat her head while rubbing her tummy...or something like that...
Have a beautiful day! Love ya lots
I am so impressed with Devree. She is handling everything, so well. At this rate you all should be back home, before you know it. Thanks, for keeping us updated. We love you.
Love, The Jensen's
Good Morning Hamblins, had to check in for my morning fix. Thanks for the effort you put into keeping us updated. Still missing you, hope to see you soon.
Connie O
What an amazing family you are. Celest and Breck shared your blog with the Arnold family and I've enjoyed reading about Devree's progress. Our Arnold family is all praying for you and we've put you on the temple prayer list in the temples where we all live. I know Heavenly Father will bless you all as there are so many joining together in prayer in your behalf. (Natalie Arnold Warner--Celest's baby sister)
Thank you Soooooooo much for keeping us all in the loop. I don't have internet at home so whenever I have access I hurry and check you blog to read about the next AMAZING thing that Devree has accomplished. Love Summer
I am so WOWED again by all of the faith, love, prayers, support and comments of all of you! I like to see who is following the blog. Jeanni you go ahead and be a blog stalker. Mary this is better than the Truman show because this IS REAL LIFE and we are doing a much better job than Jim Carrey any day! I always knew that Devree was wonderful and special, and smart and talented and just a fantastic person in general. So it is nice to see that others have noticed this fantastic girl too! There have been so many that want to do something for Devree and Wayne if you want to get donations started than so be it. This will be a long process and it will be pricey but that is the least thing we are thinking about now.
So if you are blogging, go ahead and leave a little note. We are always interested in who replies and we read them all to Devree when she wants to hear.
Love, Shana
1/15/2009 9:18 AM
Shana and I are just amazed at how kind and caring everyone is. Your offers to help us financially are wonderful. We are only dealing with things a day at a time. Finances just haven’t been high enough on the worry list until now.
Perhaps we are struggling with the pride that comes from wanting to be self-sufficient. We try to plan and save for all of the things that come up in life. This just was never in the plan. So now we are finding that we might have to humble ourselves and be receivers instead of givers this time.
Thank you so much for keeping us updated on Devree's progress. We love you all so much and we are so happy that Devree is in good spirits. Our kids are all very concerned for Devree and they want Devree to know how much they love her! Tayzia has shed many tears and wishes that she could be by Devree's side. Our prayers are with you. Love, The Memphis Rices
I asked Jaynie what we should say to Devree today. She shot both her hands up with a peace sign and a huge smile. There you have it -- from the mouths of babes.
It's so exciting to hear all the good news from over there! Devree seems to be saying, "IS THAT ALL YOU GOT?!"
It's a good thing Devree is not like me... I'd fake numbness on my left side and when they came close to check out what's going on I'd grab them and scare them to death or yell BOO in their face.
Keep taking your miraculous baby steps. You blow me away with your fight! Love ya!
I, too, am making my regular morning 'check up with Devree'. So excited to hear of the tingling! Right after Brandon was called to Bishop, my body started freaking out and I got Bell's Palsy. One side of my face went completely numb. Bell's Palsy is stress induced and the funny thing was that when asked if I was under any kind of unusual stress...I said, 'No' cause I really didn't feel stressed. Weird. But it was so weird to brush my teeth and smile. So glad those nerves are healing! Exciting, exciting news!
Every time I'm on the computer Jayce asks me if I'm reading about Devree again. The tingling is fantastic news! Sounds like you will be home before you know it. I better check and see if the boys are keeping the house in order so you will recognize it when you get home.
Love you guys!
I want to let you know how famous and loved you are. I went into the store today to drop off something for Barry- and of course he asked if I had read your blog today- and of course being the stalker I am I told him I had and gave him the update. While I was talking to him one of the girls that works for us asked if we were talking about Devree and I told her we were- she then told us that she is LDS and that her Seminary class has been praying and fasting for Devree. ( She is in a Carson City Ward) Another one of our employees overheard the conversation and told us that he and his wife would also pray for Devree as well. How wonderful it is to see those not of our faith to partake in and believe in the healing power of prayer. :)
oh my dear dear Devree.............well, a 50% chance of survival, is GREAT for you!!!! because i bet that rounded up number is based on normal people......and i think EVERYONE here that knows you will agree thet you're NOT a normal person!!!! lol (in a good way) 50% chance of survival for normal people, probably means around an 80% survival rate for you!!!! and that's more than enough. so, do you guys know how long she'll be in the hospital for?
The Shumway family wishes you all the best during this difficult time -- we're praying for you all. LPCH is a great facility (we enjoyed sitting on the rooftop) -- our Daniel had his heart surgery there and he currently receives care for his urological needs across the street at the Ambulatory clinic.
Regarding the Ronald McDonald house: it's a terrific place as well -- I think on Tuesdays they have bags and bags of (what else) McDonald's grub! They have limited facilities for large families but if you aren't all there it should be fine.
God bless,
Scott S
Exactly what Teri said! Even the placement of your tumor is not normal, so what are those statistics to you anyway! Psssshah! You are a miracle in motion. Never forget that! Sounds like you have your own Radiation Vacation coming up. No better place to spend the spring than in gorgeous Northern California. I'm no doctor, but the scenery there alone has to promote brain healing, especially in contrast to being surrounded by brown! It's only fitting for you to be in a place as vibrant as you.
Have a great evening and don't give in to doubt and fear!
We LOVE YOU all so much!! Thanks for the awesome job you do keeping us updated. It is such a comfort to know what is happening and not be in the dark. I would be lying if I said that I wasn't worried but I am positive that miracles can happen and I do have a lot of trust in the advancement of medicine these days. I am just so sad that your wonderful family has to endure this trial. If there is anything that we Missouri Hamblins can do for you, just let us know. Man, when is someone gonna finally invent that machine that transports people, like on Star Trek!! Even though we are not there in body, we are definitely there 100% in our hearts and spirits!! Todd and Shana you are amazing and I love you very much. Devree you are unbelievable and one of Heavenly Father's choice daughters! I know he is watching over you very closely. Noble, Shay, and Dane we love you guys too! I'm sure that it is sooooo hard to be so far away during this family crisis! If there is someway we can help you, just let us know!! I hate being so far from you guys!! All 6 of you are in my constant prayers!!!
Love you all, Becky
That previous comment is really from me, Becky Hamblin!! I am at Mary's house and I guess the blog just assumed that I was her! Just wanted to let you know! Love ya, Becky
cool, your walkin, nice job
I'll be praying for Devree too!! I'm glad she's showing signs of maximum improvment and stuff.
50% ehh, thats like a coin toss, thats good for you because i happen to be very lucky when it comes coin tosses
Well, it definately puts things into perspective. Especially as I have finally reached five months, only to spend the day sick, dizzy, tired and throwing up...again. I know that if Devs can make it thru the next few months, and I know she will, than so can I!! Devree, when your sick and tired of being sick and tired, drop me a line, I am definately there! We love you guys, you are in our daily thoughts and prayers. The first thing Sand asks when he walks in exhausted from a long day is how is Devree today? We can't wait to have you all up here riding our horses again! Thanks so much for taking the time to keep us all informed, we especially love the photos!! All our love, Carlina xoxoxo
goodnight Devree. i'm really sorry to hear you fell today, but it's good you're walking. as i said before, don't let statistics fool you or get you worried. nothing will go wrong. you inspire me to get through everything life throws me, and i love you soooooo much my dear. sleep well, and i'll check-up on you tomorrow afternoon after school
Wow Devree, what an inspiration you and your family are to all of us that are following you r progress. It is amazing to watch such faith and courage in action. Just keep doing all the amazing daily things you are doing. So many people love you and your family. The whole stake is praying for you.
Sister Whisler
Just wanted you to know we are thinking of you. You are in our prayers.
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